Revitalisation Action Plan

Out of the revitalisation process, major key elements were identified as according to responses of the survey conducted across the diocese. Amongst those key elements, were the need to equip leadership in parishes.

To improve the effectiveness of the archdeaconry

  • Compile a resource plan for the archdeaconry.
  • Compile the roles and responsibilities of the archdeaconry.
  • Develop the accountability model.
  • Workshop the Archdeacons on their roles and responsibilities.

To improve the accountability of the rector in the governance of the parish

  • Collate all the available prescripts regarding the incumbent.
  • Confirm the overall accountability of the rector’s leadership in the parish.
  • Develop the accountability model.
  • Workshop all incumbents on the prescripts, roles, responsibilities, and accountability model.

To enhance the spirituality of the clergy in the Diocese

  • Develop a refresher course for the clergy.
  • Build clergy into a spiritual team in the archdeaconry.
  • Encourage pulpit swap in the archdeaconry.
  • Develop the clergy welfare plan.

To promote effective communication in the Diocese

  • Develop a communication plan for the Diocese.

To improve the responsibility for the administration of finances by the church wardens

  • Collate all available financial prescripts regarding church wardens.
  • Compile the roles and responsibilities of the church wardens.
  • Educate the church wardens of their roles and responsibilities.

To improve the accountability of the rector for the finances in the parish

  • Collate all the available financial prescripts regarding rector.
  • Compile the roles and responsibilities of the rector.
  • Workshop the rectors of their roles and responsibilities regarding parish finances.

To improve the working relationship between the rector and church wardens

  • Compile clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Compile formal induction programme for church wardens.
  • Develop a tool to assess the relationship between the rectors and church wardens.

To elevate the Children and Youth ministries

  • Establish a formal Children and Youth structure.
  • Develop a strategic plan for Children and Youth ministries.

To create an environment that is inclusive of all communities

  • Capacitate the existing structure/s.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan that is inclusive of all communities.

To facilitate the implementation of the revitalization plan

  • Develop the monitoring strategy.
  • Report to the Bishop monthly.

Invite The Team

To invite the team to your archdeaconry, please email:

Seek to build a strong, spiritually growing leadership and Community, founded upon and committed to Christ's mission of justice and peace.